Track Your Order

Please enter you tracking number below. If your tracking number isn't working, please wait 2-3 days and try again. In most cases, your order is on the way, but the system information is delayed.

Feel free to contact us at if there is still a problem with you tracking number.

Tracking FAQ

Orders are automatically processed within 2 hoursfrom time of order confirmation. Please contact us ASAP and within the following time period for cancellations and changes. Order modification/cancellation requests after 2 hours from time of order confirmation may not be accommodated.

Once an order is placed, you'll receive an email notification confirming we've received it. We will process your order 2 hours after successful payment. Order processing usually takes 5-7 business days. Once shipped, you will receive email notifications for real-time tracking. Note that some orders may be sent using multiple parcels. In these cases, you will receive multiple emails and tracking numbers.

All standard shipments are usually delivered within 7-15 business days from the ship date.